Friday 28 December 2012

How to walk.

Today i sat down to have a proper attempt at Burt, he was one of the 3D tasks that had me a little worried or the first time i attempted it something went terribly wrong, not that i could tell you what it was exactly, lets just say he was going backwards. 

I dove right in when i realized that i didn't actually know how to walk, i mean obviously i am capable of walking or else id be dragging myself along the ground, but the movement of the foot was not something I'd ever really looked at.


I decided to YouTube it. "People walking."  The thing was, it was just too fast to really understand the step by step changes, so i downloaded the video and played it back to myself in slow motion of VLR. This really helped me and enabled me to pin point 5 particular stages that the foot goes through in movement of which i attempted to sketch down, took me a few times to get it quite right.

My rough attempts at figuring it out, there was an awful lot of pausing and un pausing, even in slow mo. 

I bulletpointed my 5 most important key frames i suppose these have become and attempted to write them down in a way i that i would be able to visualize later on when i forgot how to do it again, because lets face it, that happens, i realized it wouldn't quite work and therefore i made a visual aid to help me in the painful future. 

Here are my 5 key frames.

1. Heel up, ball of the foot flat on the ground.

2. A much more dramatic arch in the foot, as if on tip toes. Toes still flat on the ground.

3. Foot has lifted off of the ground and moved forward past the other, heel is closest to the ground,  toes point upwards in a straight line.

4. Foot is now flat on the ground, toes still point up slightly.

5. Toes flat on ground.

(The same cycle of movenets takes part in the other foot too, just obviously at different times, i mean i like symmetry as much as the next slightly obsessive person but its not appropriate in walking.)

Thats all on that really, i shall upload my walking Burt later once he is confident enough to walk on the internet, he suffers from a wee bit o'stage fright. Bless him.

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