In the post below I featured some research sketches I had done for the female TV presenter for our animation, since then I have done the digital coloured copy, pretty darn chuffed with how it has come out if i'm to be so honest.
Below are two of the finished characters for this concept, the TV presenter who I have talked about previously that was designed, drawn and coloured by me, and then the Mafia boss who was designed drawn and coloured by Lydia.
The next characters that I have been working on this week are the two terrorists (in the most ridiculously inaccurate stereotypical way, I am not a racist, just to clarify.) We did some research on these and by that I mean put stuff from pinterest together to make a pretty mood board. As so wonderfully demonstrated below.
From this I sketched out a few handfuls of ideas, trying out different shapes, faces, styles and clothing until I chose the two that I felt most happy with, they are meant to reflect terrorism in a sarcastically humorous light, not that terrorism is funny or anything...
(The tow on the left were the chosen men].)
I played around with different body shapes but decided it would be amusing to have them completely opposite in stature and facial expression. Below are the finished characters which I designed, drew and coloured.
Thank you and Goodnight.