DEEP is a film in production lead by our course leader Derek Heyes. We've all been assigned different shots to work on, I landed myself on the Yellow submarine inspired scene. The Script is below, when it was given to us there was not storyboarding or anamatic in place what so ever, Eline quickly came up with a round one for us so we could start to visualize it better, after a few sessions with Derek it became refined and we were ready to begin assigning jobs and getting to work.
The Script.
(2D, Yellow Submarine style)
A psychedelic pavement scene is in full swing as a door
opens in the sky and PERSEUS in flared trousers exits. He
takes giant strides as he carries his bag through a twisting
world of grooviness (complete with happy sun face and flying
Around a corner a gang of (our equivalent of) Blue Meanies
hide in an alley waiting to ambush him. The leader counts
off on his fingers and they pounce!
And come to a screaming halt in mid-air as they see that
their victim is not the young man but CAROLINE who is
dressed as a hip lady cop and twirling her truncheon around
her finger. She pokes the truncheon into the nose of the
lead Blue Meanie who is still hanging in the air, sweating.
I believe I told you to blow...
They leave so fast that they rip the film in half.
We've taken a lot of inspiration from The Yellow submarine and a super anamatic has been developed, i'm now working on character design for the blue meanies. (see post below) I hope to take on a good part in the animation as that's what i am really looking forward to in this project. I like smooth 2D work and this one looks to be really colourful and exciting.

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